
Does the word ‘Audition’ scare you?
Auditions are something we encourage everyone to participate in. Sometimes auditions are the classes/hours where dancers grow the most as individuals and artists. We learn so much about individuals at auditions and the ‘vibe’ created during auditions is like no other.
Please do not let the word ‘audition’ scare y0u, other than come ready to simply try your best and have a BLAST. Our auditions aren’t regular auditions.. they’re still a major vibe. Still the same crazy support, still the same energy, same love, higher growth.
Being nervous before an audition is completely normal!
Yes, I understand the dance industry can be a scary place, I get it. I’ve been to plenty of auditions in the past and yes I’ve been rejected. I don’t think there’s been one person in the dance industry that hasn’t been rejected for at least ONE audition. It happens, it’s normal. But rather than it being a knock back it should make you want to work & train harder and come back bigger and better next time!
On the other hand, even if you come to auditions knowing you don’t want to be apart of that certain project/piece, auditions are an experience. See it as extra training for yourself. Also being surrounded by so many other talented individuals can inspire you, (steal something from other dancers!)
Don’t panic if you mess up and keep going! I know this is easier said than done but do your best to keep going if you make a mistake. Because the truth is, it happens all the time. The Judges will be impressed at how well you can recover and prove yourself.
We hold auditions for all sorts of things such as Pro Team, Teen Crew, Dance music videos and our annual showcase. Like I said our auditions aren’t the same as your average audition, we have fun! It’s a time for you to showcase your personality as well as your dance talent. When you leave auditions, you need to tell yourself how brave you were to even be there, you should be proud of yourself! You are part of the crazy Army DC family regardless and we appreciate you just the same no matter what the result. Understanding that failure is a matter of perspective is great! Seeing failure as a learning opportunity and a way to grow a change your outlook in the dance studio at your audition.
So ask yourself, ‘what have I really got to lose attending an audition?’ The answer is nothing. You’ve had fun, you’ve gained experience, you’ve had extra training, you’ve experienced The Army DC audition vibe and more importantly you tried your best no matter what the outcome is.  Just promise me one thing, if the answer is no, you won’t feel deflated you will more motivated for next time. If you  just come for the experience then I hope you enjoy and take in that extra training.
Though I can’t promise that your nerves will ever completely disappear, but I can promise the more auditions you do, the easier it will get! You’ll begin to understand how the audition process goes and maybe even start to enjoy it!
See you at the audition and good luck!
Becks xx

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