by admin | Aug 7, 2023 | Advice, Body Transformation, Dance Studio
You wouldn’t believe the number of people that can only do something if their friends are doing it with them…look I get it, new things are scary, yes, but you have to bite the bullet and do things on your own sometimes!! I LOVE doing this on my own. 99.9% of the...
by thearmydc | Jul 12, 2023 | Advice, Body Transformation, Dance Studio
What separates a good dancer from a great dancer?… Let me tell you in 10 easy steps. 1. EMOTION How does the music make you feel? Not all songs make people feel the same way. Dancing is about showing people what that song does for YOU! Learning the steps...
by admin | Feb 1, 2023 | Advice, Body Transformation, Dance Studio, Social, Uncategorized
Too many dancers whether they’re in the professional industry or not, have suffered from anxiety in dance at some point. More people than you think. The stigma and pressure that’s been created for dancers to look and act a certain way, until you feel like...
by Beckie | Jan 25, 2023 | Advice, Body Transformation, Fitness, News, Nutrition
For those of you who know me, know I’ve alwayssss had a passion for dance. Trust me, those that see me out on a Saturday night… you know the deal… hah! You’ll always catch me prancing about constantly for hours until close and I feel like I’ve done a...
by Beckie | Dec 16, 2022 | Advice, Body Transformation, Dance Studio, Fitness
When your dance teacher tells you to do the splits…PANIC. Learn how to do the splits. Coming from a dancer who struggles with even touching her toes, you can imagine how I feel when Beckie tells me to try and do the splits. My heart drops, and I feel myself...
by admin | Sep 1, 2021 | Body Transformation, Member of the Month, Uncategorized
This September’s member of the month is someone who is ALWAYS picking up the classes energy! Pouring out positivity and encouraging her fellow dancers at any time she can, this member of the month is…. PHOEBE TRIVEDY!!! We have been so inspired and impressed...