

Tiegan has been smashing classes at the moment and this has not gone unnoticed by any of the team. 
She is so focused in every single class and so so talented! 
We LOVE how focused this dancer is in every single class and how hard she works. She never forgets any routines she learns. She walks into class with an open mind ready to kill it! She is always ready to smash out freestyle when we are filming and every time it gets better and better! She is never scared to step onto the floor and even when the dance is out of her comfort zone she still gives it her all and smashes it! She is not afraid to be last on the freestyle floor!! She continues to impress us all in classes every week!
Tiegan is a lovely girl and she is so happy at dance! When she first started she was very shy and timid, now she has that fierce personality ready to challenge herself every single week with her facials. We love that she is one of the hardest workers in The Army DC and she doesn’t shout out about it! This girl dancers for herself and is so ready for a challenge. 
We can always rely on this girl to remember every routine. When rehearsing for show she was so dedicated and helped others! Tiegan has never been told to be quiet in classes or rehearsals because she is 100% focused. Tiegan definitely practices routines over and over again at home and all the dance teachers recognise this. Her pick up for dances is actually amazing! 
We are soo happy that we selected Tiegan to be in the competition team! We are soo excited for what energy she brings! She is so committed to dance and we know she is not going to let us down! 
Tiegan- We are so grateful to have you be a part of The Army DC. We are so excited to see your growth even more this year and were so proud of how far you have come! Keep doing exactly what you’re doing, you are absolutely smashing it girl! We absolutely love having you and you are a pleasure to teach. You are killing it honestly! Thank-you for your constant hard work and keep it up girl!!!!

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