
I can’t stand it. I can’t stand being surrounded by people who have so little self-esteem that they feel the need at such a young age to take substances which allow them to; forget their true selves, ‘fit in’, feel like they’re ‘enough’, give them something to talk about to their ‘mates’, run away from their inner demons, make your life seem more ‘exciting’, completely run away from their genuine fears, switch off emotionally… why? Because they’re unhappy. They’re probably not bad people, just simply, unhappy. There’s a reason behind every action in one way or another, and the strength to dig deep into the ‘why’ behind the harsh truths and allow yourself to express it in other ways is the difference between those who overcome the bad and face their challenges head-on.

My job allows me to speak up, take kids off the streets, and inspire people in a safe environment where we get to have a party every single week whilst learning new things, moving, laughing, meeting new people and growing ourselves as individuals. My job allows me to spread love, uplift and empower people, guide people towards a direction I’m extremely passionate about and that is self-love and self-understanding. These words are floating around a lot lately but here’s what I really mean…

Imagine a world where everyone had enough self-love that they didn’t feel the need to bad mouth another person, look people up and down out of jealousy, judge someone before knowing them, run out of compliments for others because they feel like this will save room for themselves…

Imagine a world where people respected and loved themselves enough so that drinking and taking such substances wasn’t so much ‘the norm’ that it is now… in both kids and in young adults. One where were ALL able to lift ourselves through music, exercise, good people, loved ones, good food, self-progression, hitting goals, making someone else’s day? You know, the things that actually matter… and cost NOTHING.

Your happiness, in my opinion, is dictated by the way you carry your own mind in hand. Are you able to actually take control of your emotions, take your time and step away from the things that scare you to reevaluate how you feel and act? Are you able to face the reality in your mind to push forward instead of in circles (by using substances)? Are you able to change a negative into a positive in your mind when you feel it coming? Do you notice the body language you use when reacting to certain situations?

I know that’s a lot of questions, and this right here is pretty deep, but I had to get this off my chest and hopefully it makes you think. Don’t be blinded by the people around you and more importantly don’t be blinded by yourself. People don’t internally harm themselves for no reason if they genuinely value their life so I want to put a stop to this. I’ve never touched a drug or even smoked a cigarette in my life, fortunately, I can be very stubborn lol but this is the truth and I get questions I how I got to where I am and THIS right here is a huge huge part of it. Once the mind is right first, the rest will take care of itself and I will do my job to the absolute fullest for as long as I possibly can to help anyone that needs it. At The ARMY DC, you’re safe with me, you just need to trust in you.

We have an open space to deal with issues inside the studio. You can check out our classes here: www.thearmydc.com/classes

All my love,
Beckie x

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