You should never be embarrassed to ask for help. We’re all human, right?
There are times in class when we’re learning a routine, I will ask ‘Has everyone got it?’ People will either say yes or won’t answer. I know at least 50% of the room is not okay. So I will ask again. Sometimes it gets to the point where I have to ask everyone to close their eyes and put their hand up if the answer is no. Half of the room then admit they are not okay and have not got it. How the hell can you understand something if you don’t ask for help? I would rather you understand 8 counts of the dance than suffer through half of the choreography that you don’t understand just because we didn’t answer the question because the unknown and failure is scary… be reassured – this is NOT how we roll! Me asking if you’re ok is not a trick question, it’s a way of creating genuine communication so we can all grow TOGETHER.
99% of the time you are stuck on the same bit like everybody else in the room. So if you feel like you can’t get it, work with another person in the room. If you are somebody that says “Please can you help me” do not be ashamed, no-one is going to turn round and say no! We can guarantee that with full confidence. Our people aren’t like the outside world, trust me.
Be that person that also helps others. A supportive and helpful friend can make you a better person at the end of the day and that’s something to embrace. The most successful and happy people in the world understand the simple importance of these positive relationships. Think back to the times you may have helped out another person. How did it make you feel? What did you gain? A lot.
I know people feel weird asking for help, but those same people that worry about being judged by, also feel weird about asking for help. Asking for help is not a weakness but an actually a huge strength and we praise those dancers highly. It’s RARE to find a dance company with dancers who GENUINELY want to see other people succeed, to say the least. The Army DC only has dancers who care about each other and want to see each other grow! And if not, best believe they will no longer be attending our classes lol. I simply don’t condone it.
So… if you just ask for help, we promise you will be in a better place. Please don’t underestimate the importance of supportive relationships and asking simple questions, because answers mean growth, and questions mean focus. We’ve got you!
Please just ask for help when you need it!! We WANT to help you!