We have LOVED this members videos over lockdown!! Her enthusiasm AND SMILES!!!
The Member Of The Month Goes to NICOLE!!!!!
Firstly we want to say the BIGGEST thank you for supporting us and standing by us!
Nicole, there has not been one video where you are not smiling! You are always smiling and we can just see how much fun you have when you dance! This is SO important to just let go and have fun! You have done this with every routine. The teachers are so grateful for dancers like you, bringing their routine to life! So THANK YOU!!
Your progression over this lockdown is MAD!!! The facials, The levels, Timing and just everything else! We have LOVED watching your videos and we have had them on repeat numerous times! You can see how much you had taken in the teacher’s steps and advice.
What we absolutely loved too is that even days that you were working and couldn’t take the class you would always catch up, even if a video was from weeks ago, you would always upload something! We can’t thank you enough for your enthusiasm and support.
You may not be the loudest in the room but we know you are coming back with a BANG!! We can’t wait to see your growth in the studio!!
NICOLE- Honestly you have been amazing and you are a pleasure to teach here at The Army DC and we love having you! You are a gem. You deserve this SOOO much. We can’t wait to see you and that beautiful smile of yours! Keep being you, you have the biggest heart as well as the biggest smile xx