To Jenny -Can we just start by saying.. THANK YOU JENNY. For being the first person to ask a question every single time, for being the largest light in the room, for having the biggest smile in the world, for constantly checking the health of all of us as teachers and students.. your love and care never goes unnoticed inside and outside the studio – and the best part about it, you don’t even have to try.
After once starting so timidly to now showcasing your HUGE bubbly personality. You make the whole room die with laughter, and put a smile on everybody’s face in seconds. We are so grateful to have you around, (and believe me, so is everyone else because thanks to YOU they get the answers they need by being the head questioner the room! haha – you give them ALL the confidence to be positive and brave just like you).
Not only have you got the biggest heart, but your progression in dance is incredible. It’s a blessing to see the growth of such a humble yet talented individual.
Jen, on behalf of everyone at THE ARMY DC we love and ADORE you! You’ve come out of your shell and nope, you’re not afraid to show us!! You’re beginning to showcase YOUR style and wow it really is incredible. We are super proud of you right now Jen.
We see you challenging yourself even more by joining new classes! We know you LOVE to be in class and you’re so focused every single lesson! I don’t think you realise how amazing you really are! Every time you perform you blow us away no matter if you might be hiding in the back when filming routines, we can see you from a mile away and hope this changes soon! Get to the front gurrrll.
Appreciation for Jen -Jenny is not afraid to be her complete self in classes! She has never been a problem to teach. She is so focused when learning a routine. She is not the loudest in the room when we are learning but we defiantly can hear her chirpy self when she is giggling away with us! All the teachers in The Army Dc know that Jenny is an absolute pleasure to teach and we love having her in classes.
Jenny – Everyone absolutely adores you girl! You really are a gem. You are smashing it right now and everybody is noticing it! We love having you in classes, and we are so excited to see you grow even more than you already have! We are so happy that you are a member of The Army Dc. We are so proud of you and we love how generous you are to everyone. You are always checking up on the team so make sure we are all ok if it is from a piece of pharmacist advice or generally checking up on us! We really appreciate it girl!!! Keep being you! xxx