So you may have seen the name ‘project HERd.’ all over my Instagram recently. After all the years of mindset coaching, teaching dance classes, personal training, life lessons and business ventures and I wanted to provide as much value as I could to those of you who have supported my journey and allowed me to support yours on the way.
I’m excited to announce the release of my new podcast available on Spotify and Apple Music called ‘project HERd’. We discuss life, relationships, friendships, confidence, family, lifestyle etc & get personal with me and my guests to reveal some home truths. Click here to listen: project HERd. Get realll with me about red flags in relationships, how to be fearlessly you and own your flaws. Sit down and be a part of the conversation & get advice from the heart about dealing with different situations and grow that mindset outside of classes. My most recent podcast drop was a deep dive into how ex-love islander hit rock-bottom and spoke about things he had never spoken about before. We are so grateful to have guests like these and the more you guys listen & share & love it the bigger our guests get. Click here to listen. If you have any podcast topic requests you would like me to talk about just DM @projectherd on Instagram or reply to this email! Thanks for all the support over the years… here’s my gift to you. |