
Novembers member of the month is a very special dancer, who has gown immensely over the last few years. Not just as a dancer but also as a person, someone who comes to class radiating happiness, love and not to forget full of support for all her fellow dancers. 
This member of the month is… LEAH KULKHANJIAN. See what Leah has to say on our Testimonials.
Leah we absolutely love having you in classes, they honestly wouldn’t be the same without you as your energy just lifts everyone up. If you aren’t giving out constant positivity to the others around you, then you are building everyone up with your constant encouragement and NEVER expecting anything in return. It’s so lovely to see and please never change that about yourself, Leah. 
We also cannot forget to mention the effort you put in… you come to class, smash the choreography and your musicality has improved massively! Everyone can see it and we only hope you can see how far you’ve come because we certainly can! Even your understanding of dance has grown dramatically and omg not to forget the noticeable improvement in your textures.
We admire your confidence, it shines through when you dance. Even if you mess up the choreography you just pick yourself back up and carry on, which is not easy to do especially as you do not let it throw you off. It’s very inspiring and something we all need to learn from you. 
There’s not a day where you don’t walk through the studio doors with a BIG massive smile and it’s so contagious and we have to thank YOU for that! Watching you grow as a individual has been a pleasure, thank you for the support you give to the room, whether it’s emotionally or vocally, because it really makes a MASSIVE difference.
NEVER STOP GROWING/LEARNING LEAH because honestly, it really is paying off and just think where you could be in a years time!
Love all the Team here at The Army Dc xx

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