Are you scared about auditioning because you don’t know what to expect? Are you worried about embarrassing yourself? Don’t get me wrong, not knowing what to expect is daunting… but sometimes it’s actually better than knowing exactly what you are walking into – and then NOT showing up because you over-prepared with anxiety – that’s not cool. Expect nothing and anything that comes from it is a bonus!
On Sunday 29th October we have our auditions for BRAND NEW agency – Beckie Hughes Group. You can sign up/find out more information by filling in the form here: AGENCY AUDITIONS
So here we go, I’ve put together some DO’s and DONT’s when it comes to auditions:
- Believe in yourself!!
- Think of it as an experience and NOTHING ELSE, that way you can’t lose. You either go in at full pelt and come out crying or you go for it with experience in mind, and whether was good or bad, your mindset will be different because your ultimate goal for your first audition was EXPERIENCE.
- Remember, although they people at the top professionals, they are also just people! Whatever they say is just an opinion, NOT fact. So do your best to not take things personally and use an opinion to grow personally.
- Have a positive mindset with an honest attitude and persona that will show you’re easy to work with. This is actually RARE. The dancers that go the furthest are the ones with the best mindset, NOT the best dancers.
- Be prepared for anything! In auditions you might be asked to start doing sit ups to test fitness or questions on experience, just be ready for ANYTHING!
- Walk in with confidence and show them that you are ready and they’ll believe you before you even do anything.
- The best way to prepare is to book onto our classes so you can truly understand what we are about and get that last minute training in: BOOK HERE
- Take anything personally – whatever they have said, you have to squash it. In the industry, they will tell you straight EXACTLY what they are thinking, so take everything with a pinch of salt. But sometimes they won’t tell you a thing. So either way, your audition is a learning curve and again, experience – not life or death!
- Put pressure on yourself, this is all just extra training for you remember!
- Not sign up to an audition because you don’t feel like you’re good enough. You could have actually ended up getting into show, but you wouldn’t know because you didn’t try?! Know what I mean? You just never know… so never say never!
- Say ‘I don’t know’ if you get asked to do something.. in auditions they will ask you to do all sorts of random things. You NEED to be quick and never say you can’t! Work with what you’ve got, not what haven’t got!
- Let one ‘bad audition’ put you off going to anymore! The more you do, the more experience you have and absolutely no audition is ever the same.
- Don’t come out like ‘they didn’t pick me!’ and dwell on it..just be the best you can be then you lost nothing!
- GIVE UP. DO NOT GIVE UP. You’ve got this.
Remember, don’t be scared about feeling stupid or going wrong. That is normal. The best way to improve is to challenge yourself.. so go to auditions with a completely open mind, the intention of extra training and experience and just see how you go! I hope this helps the inner pep-talk we all have with ourselves and of course good luck!!!
P.S. to check out what our auditions are like click this link: