Ok so…
2 people attend exactly the same dance class weekly, but 1 person rapidly accelerates… Why only 1? And why can’t that be you?
It’s funny sometimes how ‘in your own head’ you can get when you take a dance class. Like, what’s the issue? Why do we seem to put ourselves under HEAPS of pressure when all we’re actually doing is having fun and doing something for OURSELVES. At THE ARMY DC we aim to push EVERY SINGLE PERSON. Each class, we give the absolutely most we possibly can to you, our amazing students, because your potential is so huge we would hate for you to waste what you have because of a little (huge) thing called confidence. And no I’m not lying… I’m passionate about this – it really matters. I’ve been there.
Why is it that you’re getting exactly the same training and you started in the same place but they STILL seem to be going 1000 miles ahead of you? You know… you’re attending the same classes as them but you’re thinking, why are they improving so much quicker than me? Why do they pick up the combo much quicker than I do? Don’t worry… I get it… I really do. I was that person too – not even that long ago actually.
I’d kick myself down because I just thought I wasn’t ever going to be good enough and I was ‘never going to be as good as them’. – “Oh well obviously they’re gunna be better than me they’re just amazing…”. Until one day I realised, no it’s not them, it’s not magic, it’s me. I was my own problem.
I was getting so in my own head I couldn’t focus. I found myself nattering to the people next to me to make myself feel better about not picking up the choreography first time. I found myself zoning right out because I’d stressed myself out so badly in my own head that the choreography just wasn’t going in at all. I’d feel sick or randomly ‘injured’ and found myself making excuses for myself because I wasn’t getting it first time. I was focussing so so hard on impressing THEM, not me – too hard – on getting every single step right that I was never improving my actual dance ability because every golden teaching point I was given, I’d put to the side so that I could get the choreography right… so I didn’t feel ‘stupid’. But I know better than that don’t I? I’m the teacher? You can’t believe this would be me, huh…?
It doesn’t matter what you know.. what matters is how you react to pressure and fear. What actions do you show on the outside that make your learning experience different to theirs? I finally picked up on these things and realised it was all ME. I was the one not APPLYING myself like I could have done. I didn’t put myself in the right head space and give myself a chance to make mistakes and progress naturally by giving the teacher my all, because it was all about what I looked like to the people around me. Just trust me when I say I GET IT. Hence classes at THE ARMY DC are different. They’re not the same as everyone else’s and they never will be.
Why? Because mindset is my forte. Expression and confidence is WHAT WE DO! Just by being AWARE and understanding the power of the mind, your whole world can change. When the mind is right first, the rest will take care of itself. Trust me. So now, this isn’t me anymore – WOOOO! And now I’m in a position where I can help you… have a read, take note, don’t forget it:
Stay focused: This is a huge one for me. If other dancers in class are being distracted by people nattering, your just slowing my choreography down, your learning time and most importantly other dancers learning time, so keep your dance head switched on just for that one hour and once you have left the studio you can chat about anything else!
All of your eggs in one basket: It’s important to step out of your comfort zone sometimes, especially if you want to improve. If a class is your weakest style, pick that class to do, because practice makes…? Check out our full timetable here: https://thearmydc.com/classes/
Productivity and Practice: PLEASE practice outside the studio. Just find 15 minutes a day (not even that) to run through any combo’s or grooves I have taught you in class. Trust me, if you practice and practice, I will pick up on it and you WILL smash it!
Applying yourself: Come to class with a positive open mind and make sure you are 100% present in the room at all times. Never say ‘I cant’ when you’re in class, there is absolutely no such thing and you don’t want me calling you out on your negativity do you! You just have to be patient, consistent and focussed. No, you might not get the combo at first, but if you remain positive and have the right attitude, you will keep growing and growing!
In short, leave everything at the door, come to class to DANCE for YOU, stay in your lane and be positive.